
Input Please: Child Care Center not providing services as outlined in summer curriculum?

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My son and daughter attend daycare in Georgia. They have not been out to play in several weeks, no artwork, no group time. My son is the oldest and all they do is play video games and can play board games or color. Basically the whole day is free time. They go skating sometimes at a skating rink that has specified times for childcare centers to attend and my son bring home vulgar song lyrics. The school promotes that they have have many different learning activites and themes that go with each week but that has not happend at all. I am in the process of finding someone to keep them for the last few weeks before school begins again. I was told that since the school was misrepresented, I should ask for a partial refund of the tuition that I paid during this summer. Any input on how to best handle this matter would be appreciated.




  1. kimberlytoole1, I've got a daughter at a Oregon child care center. I couldn't be happier, but I looked around and visited several centers to make sure I was satisfied with the center and employees. I vistited many Oregon centers I was able to ask the staff my questions and compare the answers from each. Try visiting local Georgia child care centers and see if they can help.

  2. I would definately send them a letter outlining your concerns and their "breach of contract."  As a daycare provider I can tell you that it's easy to get lazy because "you think" no one knows what your actually doing during the day.   Kids tell all though! :)

    You deserve an explination and a partial refund.

  3. I would write a letter. Copy the places in the brochure or whatever says what services that they provide in the letter & then write about how those services were not provided. Ask for a refund back because there was false advertising and you have been paying for something that you didn't get.

  4. You answered your own Q

  5. just wondering what part of ga and what is the name of the center? i have experienced it too at a sunshine house in augusta

  6. If you signed an enrollment form that stated services that you are NOT receiving and were led to believe that you would then the center is in breech of contract.  You may be able to sue for your payments back in court, but I would definitely write a letter to the head of the center (and keep a certified copy for your own records) outlining why you are leaving their center and attach a photo copy of their agreement to it outlining what they are NOT doing but promised in their agreement. I'd definitely ask for a refund and pull my child out ASAP.

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