
Input your views on s*x for a research project.?

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What are your social views on s*x (as in intercourse). I'm researching a piece for an anthropology course and I'd like some input from society. I could also use some input on views on threesomes, same-gender intercourse, and multiple partners. Any info at all would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I feel that any activity between consenting adults is fine and natural.  It is not my place to determine what is proper for another grown person.  s*x and affection are wonderful things and there is nothing wrong with people enjoying them as long as all people involved are adults and consent to the activity.  I think people place far too much guilt and shame on s*x and sexual preferences.  I also believe that prostitution should be legal.  If someone wants to provide s*x for money, that is their business (no pun intended).  If people can stand in a boxing ring and beat each other into oblivion for money, then two people should be able to have s*x for money. I have been married more than once, I have had s*x in and out of marriage, and I have dabbled in some sexual activity that is outside of the mainstream.  I am not sad, regretful, or mentally disturbed because of it. I enjoy my s*x life; it has been good to me. :-)

  2. go to all your answers will be solved lol

  3. Anthropology course at what level?  I'll help if I can, and you want to write.  A good book is The Psychology of Human Sexuality, which covers all of this, but more from a shrinks POV than an Anthro's.  MLA or APA style?  Due when and how long?  Glad to help, I had a ball with this subject in college.  

  4. Protected s*x is alright unless the couple wants AND is prepared to support a baby.

    I don't like threesomes.  Have you heard?  Two is a pair but three is a crowd?

    Same gender intercourse...  I'd say okay but protected s*x is better.  Especially for g*y guys like...  For STD's and stuff.  It's probably more complicated for the L*****n women.

    Multiple partners.  Uh...  I know it's okay in certain countries for men but I really think that could spread a thing called a STD.

    And it's goes back to the two is a pair and three is a crowd thing.  For most people, I'm sure it's like cheating.

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