I had a dream last night where I created a false identity and built a house and invited people that I wanted dead to move in with me (although the people I invited are people I have never seen in my life.) in each room of the house, there was something deadly inside. for my first victim, I created a series of strange occurances throughout his day to scare him. something bad would happen to him whenever he would do anything (brush his teeth, take a shower, etc.) He went to his girlfriend and her mom and broke up with her out of fear that something bad happened to everything he touched. the mother of his girlfriend didn't believe him and told him that he didn't have to lie and make up a bogus story. suddenly, the girlfriend started crying but instead of tears, she had blood coming out of her eyes. then I woke up before the guy died or anybody else.
I'm a seventeen year old female and this dream was so strange. what does this mean?