
Insanely SORE from Snowboarding, what do I do?

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I have the worst sore muscles ever from snowboarding for the first time. My neck, legs, back, arms, even hands. Any tips on making them feel better? I didn't realize snowboarding would be so strenuous. Or more like falling all day on a hill. LOL.




  1. Ibuprofen, ben-g*y, OH !!! epsom salts in a hot soaking bath is really the best !!! get a half gallon size(drug store, grocery store, easily available) and pour half of it in a nice soaking tub of hot-warm is THE best !! (...and remember to stretch before and after next time !!!)

  2. 1. Drink tons of water to flush out the toxins.

    2. Ibuprophen

    3. Hot Tub! But only if you are NOT bruised/injured.

  3. 1.  run a hot tub of water

    2.  get in the water

    3.  stretch

    4.  always stretch before and after your time on the mountain.

  4. lol, not a lot to do. The first couple times going really kills you. Just rest those muscles. (light pain reliever) but i sort of like the feel of real muscle pain. Let's me know i'm getting stronger.

  5. I know what you mean. Sometimes after i get home from snowboarding I am kinda sore too. Especially when i try to jump of a ramp that i know is too hard for me and bang! Right on my head (good thing i wear a helmet lol) anyway just rest a little bit, mabey watch some TV.sorry i can't be more helpfull...

    good luck.

  6. drink a bunch of water.. dehydration cramps muscles and slows healing. then take some ibuprofen and sleep it off. stretch several times a day especially before and after snowboarding

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