
Insanity at my school!?

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A couple of days ago at summer school as was getting my bike out of the bike rack I noticed some suspicious activity. A guy who is very bad news (but very funny) was lurking around a pink bike with flowers with his friends. I was wondering what he was going to do. Then out of nowhere lit the wooden basket attached to the bike on fire with his lighter. It was so hilarious, but I noticed one of the douche bag security guards in the area. He didn't see the fire cause it was around a corner (thank God) and we all got out of there fast. The guy who lit the basket on fire may get caught. If so, what will happen to him?

*Note: There are only 2 days of summer school left

I did not help him in any way I only laughed really hard at the fire




  1. Sure Buddy...

  2. cualquiera que sea mentiroso ... usted es sólo un seguidor..

  3. Because the security guard didn't see this kid ruin a child's bike basket HE"S the douche?   The kid who likes to ruin kids toys is a douche bag.  You may want to tell your friend - setting fires is a symptom of childhood sexual abuse.    I hope he does get caught.

  4. if they didn't get him on the spot, and there's no video surveillance, he should be OK and in the clear.

    also tell him not to bring anymore lighters to summer school  incase they search him...incrimidating haha.

    Awe. Little arsonist.  How old is this kid?  

    I have a pretty sick sense of humour- i can see the beauty in lighting some little girl's bike basket on fire.

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