There are these...bugs, of sorts, I've seen twice in my bathroom and once in my hall. It's like a worm/caterpillar/inching thing attatched to a leaf looking tail...thing. I'm no good with insect identification. The worm body is black colored with white stripes around it horizontally. The leafy thing is thin, I would say wing like in thickness and maybe texture (I havent felt it) It's crinkley and spattered with dots. It's like a greyish white color with dark speckles. Though the thin part looks like a isnt. The worm thing drags it along, I can't figure its true function but all three of them were built the same. I showed it to one friend who said it was a termite (Though twice it was crawling along tile, no where near wood, and once inching its way across a mirror.) Because I dont know what they are or if they're harmful, I have'nt killed them, but if they ARE termites or something I figure I better call someone. Can you help me figure out what it is?