
Insect bite on eye?

by  |  earlier

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my rite eye is very red and puffy on the lid and underneath. i went to the doctor and they said it looks like a very bad insect bite. he said it should be better the next day (i went there yesterday) i woke up and it looks even worse and i cant open it cause its swollen shut. any thing i can or should do?




  1. go 2 another doctor and get some medicine

  2. most of the animal bite is gifted with some un wanted toxic Bactria-- apart from allergic reaction,antibiotic could be used --your bite appears to be on the eye lid -- it is better to see an eye doctor at the earliest-- some times  dis appears even with out treatment

  3. go to another doctor

  4. Sounds like you need to go an ophthalmologist who does lot more exams
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