
Insect repellent for plants?

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What are some good insect repelling things that i can buy or make at home for my mom. she keeps telling me that ants and flies are eating her roses and she needs them to stop. so any suggestions. thanks




  1. All she need in most cases is an empty spray bottle. Fill bottle with a couple drops of dish detergent and just 1/4 teas. of baking soda, 1/4 teas. of oil (The cooking kind) spray it on and that will take care of here roses.

  2. The first course of action for aphids on roses is a good hosing off with water from the garden hose.  That will safely and easily remove a large portion of the group. If that doesn't reduce the numbers significantly you might want to try some Dawn dish soap watered down and then just sprayed on.  There is a natural and safe product that is derived from chrysanthemums and helps to kill off numerous insects that get on your plants.  It's made by Shultz and it's good on house and garden plants.

  3. There's a lot of insect killer sprays out there that you can buy at walmart, home depot, etc. Just go to the garden section and it will be with the fertilizers. The bottle will state what types of bugs it will kill and prevent.

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