
Insecure? always wanting to die?

by  |  earlier

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What's wrong with me? The last 6 years i've only grown 4-5 barely 100 lbs and im 18.

I quit school because I was so insecure, I've been out since 2005.

I'm also thinking about suicide and looking forward to dieing.

what's the matter with me?




  1. ask a doctor about growth hormone before it gets too late you can still grow until your 21  

  2. Please get some help. My friend killed himself because he was insecure. You are so young and you got a whole life ahead of you.Only you can turn your life around. Many people come in different shapes and sizes. As long as you got confidence people will overlook your flaws.

  3. ya is your family small? you should have an mri scan, some people have a tumure in the pituitary gland.

    i also think you may need to try to get on some meds for that depression because it could just be a chemical in-balance! i take zoloft and it helps with my anxiety.

    dont  do something stupid,think about all the people that love you. it would be selfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. maybe u have depression.

    u should probably try seeing a psychologist.

  5. Hey dude, guess what? I am almost 19, only like 5 foot 6, and 115 pounds. It is not very uncommon where I live to be that way (Colorado). You need to get back in school. It will make your life a lot better off. Please don't kill yourself. It is never the answer, just the easy, way out. It will only hurt those you care about if you die, so you will only hurt the ones you love if you do it. Don't worry what anyone thinks if they only think bad about you. The reason they do is because they have problems and want to make themselves feel better by taking it out on you. You need to get in control of yourself, instead of letting other people control you. Besides, wouldn't you agree that killing yourself would be insulting to those who have had there lives forcefully taken? I don't even know you, and I care about you. I want you to feel better about yourself, and live a good life. My life is great for 2 simple reasons.

    1. I don't care what losers think of me. They have no life if they spend thier life trying to ruin mine. I am better than most of them anyway because... 2. I love to help others and make thier lives better. I feel very blessed that I have the wisdom to help people, and it makes me feel better than I have ever felt before when I can help others out. You can too if you try.

    Seiously, don't worry about it, don't let it get to you. Hey be my friend on Yahoo and I will try to help you in any way I can, because I care man, and others do too. I don't want another person who could be a very good asset to the world to throw their life away. I have seen it before, and it only hurts people.

    ... Please...

  6. You're a teenager and life sucks. You are in control of how you feel at this point.  

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