
Insecure????? me??? help ???? please????

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sometimes i feel like insecure about myself like im not pretty or when im around people i dont know or standing there alone when theres a group of people next to me talking or something i feel insecure is there any way i can build my self esteem up i dont know what to do and do you any of you know how i feel ? does this happen to you




  1. Ya, I used to feel that way. I was very shy and insecure about everything I did. I was even afraid to make eye contact with people, and I would look at the floor while I walked. Then one day I decided that it was time to end it, because everyone already knew how shy I was so I was already as embarrassed as I could possibly be. I challenged myself to make eye contact and talk more and be more social etc. And if I ever felt embarrassed or shy I would convince myself that this part in life was exciting because it means I'm doing something new and I'm progressing. It was a really fun transition. Now I'm the one who starts the conversations and keeps them going. I'm the one who walks up to the new kid and gets to know them. I'm the one who dares to go to parties I wasn't even invited to. Sometimes its hard to believe how shy and insecure I once was.

  2. what are you insecure about?

    your looks, friends, personality? ...

  3. yea i have the same problem, all of my insecurities come out when Im at a party or in a crowd. I think its because so many people put pressure on us to be something or someone. When I get in a crowd or group of people I lose my communication skills and make a fool of myself when i know there is nothing wrong with me. it helps me to think that they feel the same way you and I do.  

  4. I know how you feel, sometimes I like to compare my looks to the people around me and feel a little hateful if someone in my mind looks better or thinks they look better. While beauty is almost as subjective as love, it's something that you can explore and discover in yourself over time. Find beauty in a classy presentation and a personal expression of your tastefulness. You need to feel good about yourself and realize that you should be yourself and that's beautiful!

    How do you define beauty? As you go through your day, try to make note of things and people that strike you as beautiful. If you can, write them down. Try to understand what makes them beautiful to you. They may not be beautiful to others, but that's why beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Enhance your physical beauty. Looking beautiful is all about emphasizing those features in you that are already beautiful. There are millions of ways to do this, as there are millions of potentially beautiful features on a single body. The important thing is to experiment with accentuating that beauty until you can look at your reflection and feel like you've given your beauty the representation it deserves.

    As beautiful as ever.Develop your inner beauty. There are plenty of so-called beautiful people out there who lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. Their beauty never lasts, but yours can. By finding yourself and building your character through integrity, you can be beautiful both on the inside and on the outside. Better yet, your inner beauty will always emanate and never fade, wrinkle, or turn gray

    Even though what is considered beautiful varies from person to person, there are a few broad characteristics that most people seem to agree on:

    Health is beautiful

    Character is beautiful.

    If you're feeling particularly unattractive, try listening to a song that will get you dancing. When you get that adrenaline rush and that goofy grin on your face, people notice. Your happiness will be contagious and people will want to be around you. This opens opportunities for people to get to know you, so they will see not only your outside beauty, but also your inner beauty. And inner beauty is far more attractive than just looks alone.

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