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Has anyone ever had insemination done for conception? My doctor has suggested this to my hubby and me, along with FSH injections. Has anyone ever done this? What all does it entail? Has anyone had success? Thanks!




  1. Yes I have had IUI done.  It increases the chance of conception because the sperm are placed so close to where they need to go.  You are monitored closely by u/s and bloodwork to track the maturation of follicles.  The injections are given daily, mine was like a pen Follistim real easy to use.  You dial the prescribed dose which changes according to your levels.  When the doc feels the follicles are mature you can be given a trigger for ovulation which is what I had.  I took the trigger in the pm and came in for the IUI in the morning (intra uterine insemination).  My husband had already given his sample which was counted and washed.  It was preserved, then put in a syringe.  You are on a gyn table in the office.  They use the speculum and stirrups, its placed in and you lay there inverted for 10 minutes.  That's it.  We were successful first try, son was born at 39 weeks.

  2. I love love love these shots...they brought my son to me on the first cycle. Now that is not always or ever typical but they will sound very complicated when I explain them but they really are not. I never expected to need them and it wasnt really a big deal. The biggest thing is finding out if your insurance will cover a portion or not. Many will and mine covered all of them. Basically your doc will ultra sound you vaginally on cycle day 3 to make sure your ovaries are quiet. If they are you will more than likely start taking one shot every other day. On the off days he or she may want to ultra sound you to see how the follicles (which produce the egg) are being stimulated. If they are being stimulated well, then the doc will continue until they are measuring the best size to conceive. So on cycle day 10 for me, I was ready to get one last shot of HCG which basically forces your body to ovulate in 24-48 hours. In that time, the doctor has your hubby bring in his sperm and washes and spins it so it is healthy. In a matter of a few minutes it is put into you in a manner that feel just the same as a pelvic exam. It takes 10 minutes a viola your are done. Again I know it seems like a lot but it is not a big deal and so worth the prize in the end. The bad thing is that they are usually really expensive and more and more insuance companies are recoginzing their ability to help women conceive. My doc really worked with me to find the right drug that was covered by my insurance. I used Repronex. The last minor thing I should mention is that some insurance companies will pay for the drug but not to administer it. Sort of like an aspirin. Your insurance company would not pay your doc to put an aspirin in your mouth if you can simply do it yourself. Others want the RE to give you the shot. You just have to see what your insurance wants. Basically some insurance companies want you to give it to yourself and others say the doc office should. I gave them to myself and it was super easy. Not a big deal and now they have kinds that you just stick on your leg and push a button and it is done. Kind of like an Epipen for someone who has bee allergies or peanut allergies. Anyway, this is rambling but the shots are great. Better than Clomid...Clomid made me crazy and the shots didnt because they go directly to the ovaries unlike the Clomid which has to be digested through your system. Good luck and go for it!

  3. i have done at home insemination with donor husband is completely infertile so this was our only option for a baby.there's two different kinds of insemination.IUI(intra-uterine insemination) has to be done by a doctor using a catheter and a that method the sperm is placed in the uterus so the sperm don't have to swim very far. ICI(intra-cervical insemination) can be done in either a doctor office or home since the process is pretty simple.most women choose the home method mainly for privacy and low cost.usually ICI is referred to AI or at home insemination.this method(ICI) is done with either a syringe or softcup: here's more info on the softcup .when i did my very insemination at home i used a softcup.all i did was put the sperm into the cup and placed it close to my cervix.26 days after that was done i found out i was pregnant.26 days after finding out about the pregnancy i had a either method you use there's always a chance that it will work.
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