
Inside the WWE Background Contest?

by  |  earlier

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I am the runner and owner of Inside the wwe which is a website that is starting to become popular (100-200 people a day) and i am starting a contest for a background for the site. Please enter the contest by creating a background for the main page of the site. The background must have a white backing and it must say Inside the WWE All the latest and breaking news of the wwe and please add some pictures! Be creative the winner will become a moderator on Inside the wwe Chat and will be added to the staff list please send all entries to All entries are due by tommrow at 845 and the poll will start at 850 tommrow night until 850 on sunday!

Good luck to all if you have any questions go to live stream page and you can talk to me on the chat or just email me!




  1. Sounds good and i'll check out your site.Thanks for the heads up.

  2. awesome...i'll try...somehow...

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