
Insight on a game anyone?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I am urging to create a flash game! I am not looking for tutorials or anything, because I know a deal already, but I am not an expert. I want to create a game, where you have to choose the correct lyrics to a song, which is playing. Its like, you start with a song, and you choose from a series of lyrics, and if you choose the correct one, you go to a different song. How might I achieve this?




  1. well, if you are wanting to make an internet game do not use C++... C++ is for single use only... maby try to take an online free coding/programming class for free. it will help u if you are willing to learn at a medium pace...

  2. it's very simple you start by creating the key frame where the music is played and then add in the music and insert key frames untill the song finishes then add a (stop) function into the frame after the song ends, then write your examples e.g the next words are: and make each option into a button then add a on mouse release go to frame (bladibla) and then start the next song in that frame, and change the frame for the wrong answers so it gos to a seperate page where u can put a messag saying they failed

    Hope this helped btw I'm guessing u know the basics of making buttons etc?

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