
Insolent indentured servants: how to handle?

by  |  earlier

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Wendy: I will deign to speak to a harlot such as you appear to be. Are you perchance available for toilet duty?




  1. With hold food my dearest and never allow them to sleep on anything soft.  I feel boards work best with no sheet or blanket.  Work them to the bone and explain to them how easy they have it and if they don't like it death is so close.  You will have them hop tooing it in no time!  Trust me dahling these people need to worship you at all time!

    Best of luck

  2. Uh...yeah....right.

  3. Roll your sleeves up when you clean......It's toooo deep for us.

  4. Back under the bridge with you!

  5. I would say perhaps offering something worth having for doing a good job. Such as you would reward even a child for good behavior. Perhaps they can earn x amount of time to themselves as 'servant' of the month? You pick the best behaved and such and try not to pick the same one each month.


    I would say make it a small 'cookie'. You don't want them to get fat on you. Then they get lazy too. I have had many that I simply had to run each day to thin them out.

    Ohhh perhaps everyone gets a beating every day. And if they clean well enough they get to skip beatings? That way you can even have daily entertainment!

  6. I am quite certain your "indentured servants" are actually INTERNS at whatever loonybin you are locked up in....Are you still mad they shorted you a jello on wednesday?...-wendy

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