
Insomnia, does anyone know how to cure it?

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I haven't been able to sleep lately. It should be the easiest thing in the world, but it's not. And, when I am lucky enough to finally drop off, I sleep fitfully. It's like I'm on spin cycle. I've tried OTC sleep aids, but all they do is make me even more drowsy in the morning. I don't have heatlh insurance so going to the doctor is pretty much out of the question. Does anyone have any home remedies? And please don't say alcohol or drugs or something lame like that. Thank you!




  1. Try smoking some pot, Its way better for you than taking those habit forming pills, and it will help you relax quite a bit.

  2. work out two hours before you go to bed.go walking or jogging. i have the SAME exact problem you do and working out helps me sleep ALOT better. i don't sleep like a rock all night but i do get good rest and am not oober tired the next day.

  3. Well I certainly wouldn't work out before you go to bed because it actually makes your blood pump faster and its even harder to wind down.  There are two things that I am going to recommend you try.  Many times drinking coffee will help.  Just pure black coffee.  Actually doctors used to recommend it for insomnia.  It does make your body speed up and if your already tired it just exhuasts your body and makes you have to sleep kind of like a crash.  This isn't the case with everyone so just try it.  The other thing is Kava Kava root......If you can find this root or powder but the root would be better. All your problems would be solved.  Prepare this in some coconut milk and chew up the roots and spit it into the coconut milk and let it set for an hour and then drink.  I'm a hypnotherapist so I definitely would insist on hypnotherapy.

  4. marijuana is one of the best aids in assisting sleep. i suffer from chronic amnesia and have found marijuana to be of the highest benefit. i smoke an hour before bedtime, let kick in, and i gently fall asleep (unlike alcohol which works better and can knock you right to sleep). i also stay asleep all night (unlike alcohol, which works not as well as you will wake up a few hours into your sleep, groggy and drunk). and i wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, awake, and alert (unlike alcohol, which makes you wake up feeling hungover, groggy, and sleepy). the interesting paradigm with marijuana is that when i smoke it before sleep, i can go to sleep at 2 in the morning, and get up at 6 the next morning for school, and i feel like i got 12 hours of sleep, and im awake and alert all day. no matter how little sleep i get, when i use it in conjunction with weed, it works amazing.

    however, dont confuse sleep with a nap. when i get high, and then go take an afternoon nap, and wake up anywhere from 1-2 hours later, i feel intensely groggy and very sleepy. you should probably get at least 3 or 4 hours of sleep with weed.

    the other thing with weed is there are no negative physical side affects. it is a near harmless drug, benign and medicinal at the same time.

    but you dont have to take my word for it, do your own research. know the facts. arm yourself with an arsenal of knowledge. dont accept propaganda.


  5. I have an herbal tea I mixed up for when I have really bad insomnia.  I used valerian, passionflower and california poppy as the major ingredients, and it really calms me down without making me drowsy in the morning.

    A little pouch filled with lavender in your pillow can really help with keeping your sleep peaceful throughout the night.  Not to mention how nice it is waking up to such a nice smell!

    Good luck!  OTC sleep aids aren't very effective and just leave you feeling dazed the whole day, and Ambien/Lunesta/etc. have all kinds of crazy side-effects!  Finding a nice natural solution really is best.

  6. Hi,

    Well first of all DO NOT TAKE PILLS to help you sleep - even if they are herbal, natural organic etc. etc.!

    You should put lavender and/or aloe vera (like 3 or four drops of each) on your pillows and/or bedclothes.

    I use a lip balm to help me sleep, i dont know how it works but it does! I used to find it very hard to sleep until I bought "Badger Lip Balm" and it is very effective.

    Secondly, drinking a cup of camomile tea before you go to bed is also beneficial.

    You should not take any caffeine drinks like coffee, coke, red bull etc. after about 3 (in your case if you REALLY find it hard to sleep) - even if you are tired during the day as it takes caffeine at least a half hour to work.

    If you find you can not get to sleep because you are too hot, take of a blanket, or put your feet out of them. Turning your pillow over also cools your head. Stand up out of bed and just walk to the toilet even if you dont need to and then go back to bed.

    Drinking warm milk also makes you sleepy...

    I hope I helped - and I hope you get to go to sleep quicker...

    I would listen to the girl befor me, but try and work out a few hours before you go to bed because working out releases some hormone that actually gives you more energy for a while - something like an adrenaling rush - but if you worked out 4 hours at least before you went to bed then you'd be tired by the time you went to bed.

    The working out I am talking about is just doing some squats, crunches, 10 press ups walking up and down the stairs five times. Nothing too "gymy".... Your child could be taking a nap at this time or playing nearby... you could even pretend your doing a dance for him or her while you do it, he or she might think its very funny!

    Also, no tv - unless its an old movie where the volume is down and you have your tv on "sleep mode" (it will turn of automatically after a while) where you know whats gonna happen and your not so interested so you dont really watch it you're just tiring your eyes.

    Plus - turn your cell phone off a half hour before you sleep - this actually works!

    Insomnia may be caused from home sickness too, i used to board in a boarding school a few months ago and I could never sleep, i would always talk to my room mate (unfortuantly for me he was always tired) but now that I am home, I am sleeping much better - bar tonight...!

  7. i have it severe and trazaone or something like that worked for me

  8. I wouldnt work out before you go to bed either.  Try something more relaxed like stretching/yoga.  Drink warm organic, non-caffinated tea right before you go to bed.  That always helps me.  Also, if you go to and order there catalogue you'll be surprised with what their products can do for you.  I've tried some and i swear they work.  

  9. ...Im only 17 and for my whole life ive had bouts of awful insomnia, i used to go to school lots of times, without any sleep.. I can stay in bed for like 6 hours with no sleep....and I cant think of a better cure than excersise!

    I am going through it again now, AGAIN, its like 3:30 am here and ive still not been to dad has given me valiums lots of times and they help! and ive taken some when he doesnt know... probably to many...I stopped using them, becaus I didnt wanna develope a problem!!

    BUT i dont  recomend them,or any other drugs, because you may become dependant on them!

    sorry, I know you cant do excersise, but If you can get ANY in just b4 u go to bed it will help...ALSO I find I have insomnia when bad things are happening to me in my life, because I stay up all night thinking of I try to stop thinking about them when im in bed...and that helps! Just try to relax and clear your mind!!! =0)

    SO sorry i couldnt help more, i know how much insomnia SUCKS

    bye =0)

  10. Booze coupled with narcotics..

  11. Ok..I suffer from frequent problems with insomnia...I can know what you mean. Ok..excercize only charges you up not helping you unwind especially if under 4 hrs before bed.

    if you otc meds don't work...don't take them

    there are some natural therapies you can try that aren't too expensive.

    Lavender oil ( essential oil) is like $4-8 a bottle.. White sage tea can help, a warm bath, a warm cup of tea or cocoa. watch a movie and be prepared to go to sleep then if you do its not a big deal. you can try

    herbal remedies Melotonin 3 mg take it w/ a full glass of water put your pj on and go to bed.. dont fight it it works very fast for some folks.

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