
Insomnia In A 7 Year Old?

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My little sister is 7 years old and when its time for us all to go to sleep she trys to listen to music on her mp3, watch movies, play games..anything to get her tired and she cant go to sleep..she gets so frustrated that she sits up crying until about 6 or 7 in the morning, then falls asleep and wakes up about 11..shes good to go for the rest of the day. Nothin we do seems to work and none of us can sleep? Any suggestions, similar situations or ideas? Thanks!




  1. Watching movies isn't going to help her to sleep, it keeps the brain stimulated and prevents REM sleep which results in sleep disorders and sleep deprivation which is exactly what she is presenting with her behavior.  The television NEEDS to be removed from the bedroom and television for children should cease at least a half hour before bedtime.  Listening to music is more benificial but no game playing.  She doesn't seem to have any set bedtime routine and that should have been taught by your parents.

  2. try establishing a bed time and a bed time routine first,  instead of medication

    my daughter went through that a few years ago  we found that she did well reading herself to sleep.

  3. She should do nothing in bed but sleep, no wathcing tv, reading, anything. Bed shouls only be associated with sleep.

    Wake her up earlier day by day and maybe she will get to sleep easier the night before

    more excersize

    no sugar

    night light

  4. try giving her melatonin its a natural hormone that the body already makes (its what tells the brain to be sleepy) a child's dose is about 5 mg and you can buy it in a regular drug store in the vitamin area....its going to be in pill form it can be crushed and put in to juice and needs to be taken about an hour before bedtime... oh and its not addictive at all.

    the watching movies and listening to tv or radio can work for some but what it is probably doing with her is keeping her brain going and not allowing her to sleep

  5. It depends. I know this seems a little harsh but try waking her up at 9 or 10 so shes a little more tired and no naps that way she will fall asleep when its bedtime. Instead of watching movies, turn off the light and turn a lamp on and tell her to read some books. If the problem continues to happen then more than likely you need to get her to a doctor and see what the problem is.

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