
Insomnia: better to lie down doing nothing?

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...or stay up until i'm actually tired? I can't fall asleep right now i've just been lying down for hours not sleeping at all-Just lying there, because i can't fall asleep.

So is it better to do that until i fall asleep eventually, or stay up until i'm sleepy? (aka going on the computer, watching TV, reading, etc. until i become tired)




  1. smoking weed helps some insomniacs

  2. Write in a journal. Take a bath with candles. Play guitar. Paint. You know, all those things I'm not doing because I can't sleep either? Take my advice, I'm obviously not using it!  :o)

  3. ha, you're asking the wrong people at this hour!

    i have it too- total night person. Sun goes down and my huz gets tired, i wake up.

    usually i try to read or do something that makes my eyes want to close. another good one is to exercise like after supper, wear out your body

    goood luck

  4. Your best bet for insomnia is to stay up and do something that is not stimulating; such as reading.  It'll tire your eyes while gently soothing you into sleep.

    The computer and tv will rev you up.

    Also, have a snack; such as milk and a cookie or two.  It'll make you sleepy.  

    Set an alarm clock to wake up the same time each morning.  It'll get you on a proper sleep/wake schedule.  

    So, stay up, do something that is not stimulating, eat a sleep inducing food, and set your alarm clock.  This should work.

  5. Stop trying so hard to go to sleep.  Get up and start moving you are thinking about it to much.

    Sometimes it helps to take a shower/bath, or you could try doing something that is really boring.

    I too suffer from insomnia and eventually try all of the above, and when none of that stuff works i just end up staying up for the entire night and into the next day until it is bedtime again .  I usually have no difficulty falling asleep when i do that.

  6. Usually I just stay up until I am tired, mostly I dont get to sleep until about 3am.  I generally go on the internet or read until I feel tired.

  7. Stay up until your tired.

    A glass of milk helps because it provides the raw materials for the maunfacturer of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that aids sleep.

    Sleeping on a regular schedule also helps as does excercising regularly, but not late in the evening. It also helps to reassure yourself that a little loss of sleep doesnt do you harm.

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