I was contemplating on my way to class last night why I am dedicating time and energy towards martial arts...
Every day I have class in fact I think how before I started training I could just go home after work. Instead of conditioning and whipping my body and mind into a way of life...So I asked myself why do it?
Is it a subconcious longing for the ability to be able to handle myself? Is it a inherent and natural need for violence...or combat...for lack of a better term? What draws me towards it and makes me think about it when not doing it?
I guess I want the overall conditioning, endurance, and added confidence it gives. I was a half a$$ed acrobatic to begin with, now my training has given me a sense of control over my body like never before...and the ability to understand and combat others actions...even those that may naturally be bigger or stronger...
So...What are your thoughts, what drives you and inspires you to train? Do you think about it during time off? Alot?