

by Guest57877  |  earlier

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im really interested in photography but since ive only just started, i dont have many ideas.. could someone suggest a website or just any tips to help?




  1. I have done a little photography. Get close then get closer. you can get a 70 to 300 zoom lens for about $300 and gives a great perspective. A major close up lens say to take an ants hair will set you back $1800 and a decent all purpose macro lens used say for flower detail insects etc about 800. Take heaps of photos and look at shadows on the subject. some photo contests give you good advice and you can view other photo's and see where you are at.

       ''  might interest you if you want to send your photo's to people as a postcard

  2. Do it you are the one who is intersted on that field. Other is compitition.
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