
Inst it embarrassing that Sarah has accomplished more in 2 years as Governor than Obama has in the Senate?

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She has way more executive experience than Obama and has accomplished More that Obama in 2 years as compared to him as a state and US senator combined. So why does the Obots continue the "she doesn't have experience" c**p? get the facts.




  1. Good point.  I think he was too busy rubbing elbows and figuring out how to get to the next level.  Sarah was too busy working and getting things done, and this came to her without her seeking it.  My fiance always said that the best president would be somoene who doesn't want to be president.  

  2. They're jealous. And disgusted. They know the Repubs have the victory in the bag!


  3. True, Obama spent 140 working days in the Senate.

    Sarah Palin is brilliant and articulate and, in Alaska politics, is a breath of fresh air as an alternative to their corruption epitomized by Ted Stevens "Bridge to Nowhere", She Veto'd the "Bridge" Earmark.  Now Obama, who has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, has the ire of females.   Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the differences between he & Bush.  Sarah Palin is no d**k Cheney!

    She has stood up to the Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Big Oil companies.

    She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending.  That alone qualifies her by my standards.  $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm.  Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways!  That's the Democratic corruption she will attack.

  4. Sarah is tomorrow's president in training. ;)  Obama should be quaking in his boots.

    Freedom Forever ... why aren't you highlighting that Gov. Sarah Palin has taken the oil companies to court to ensure that they adhere to the law on environmental issues, or blocked a silly bridge to nowhere that would have cost too much for little benefit?

  5. It's pretty funny isn't it? The party who support women (supposedly) are bashing this lady only because she's a woman. The same ones who days ago were arguing that Obama was experienced enough are now saying Palin is no where near experienced enough. LOL! A bunch of hypocrites.

  6. No - please do some objective research.  Obama is far more qualified.

    McCain has shown extremely poor judgment with this choice.  Would you seriously want SP to be the President?  A foolish and outrageous VP selection.


  7. No it's not embarassing because it's not true.

  8. Well, since she hasn't done much of anything except be an accomplice to Alaska's well known habit of sucking up pork at the expense of the rest of the country--and being an accomplice of people like the crooked Senator Ted Stevens, no.

    She has no such recored of accomplishment as you suggest. So no,it isn't embarrassing at all. What is embarrassing--or at least, the Republicans SHOULD be embarrassed-- is that McCain bypassed proven, credible women like Condi Rice to pick a pathetic overblown religious fanatic like Palin.

  9. ...and it is ironic how CNN (the Obama channel) immediately jumped on her for lack of experience. She has more experience than their presidential candidate, and she's just going for VP. I think the liberals are just pissed off that McCain picked a good choice, and didn't pick Lieberman as expected.  

  10. They are jealous the spot light has been taken off of there master . the media seems to love Sarah .

    and BO and his supporters are green with jealously

    desperate to bad mouth her . and yes she does seem to have more experience than Bo has .

  11. Yes, she has accomplished getting herself investigated for wrongdoing in 20 short months as governor.  Let's put her up for vice-president.  LMAO!!!!!

  12. Okay, here's some facts.  She's been governor for 21 months.  Of a state that doesn't even like to be reminded it's actually part of the United States.  She has absolutely zero experience in Washington, vs. Obama getting experience on the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate, and having the chance to work with both sides of the aisle on national, not state, domestic and foreign issues.  He beats her hands down in those areas.  Do you really look at her and see Presidential material?  Really?  I mean come on, McCain seems in good health now, but at 72, he is at highly increased odds for a sudden debilitating health problem or death.  That means Palin would be President.  If you can tell me that you can envision her performing sensitive foreign relations matters you must be dreaming awake.  

  13. I think Obama's head shrank into his stuffed suit like a turtle into it's shell.

  14. Based on her track record of aggressive accomplishments, she sure does seem to be more of a "doer" and not so much of a "talker".

  15. I think a governor is quite different in terms of work than a senator's. As a governor you are quite free to make your own judgement while a senator is like a rubber stamp following what the party wants otherwise he's treated like a renegade.

  16. Obama is running for president and Palin is running with McCain for VP and they are attacking Palin so much like she is running for Pres

    Democrats are just worried that all the feminists in the US will now vote for McCain just because a woman is in the running

    If McCain was elected he should watch out because some crazy feminist will like assassinate him so Palin would be pres. LOL

  17. I know.  I cry whenever a commentator doesn't challenge that line.

    I think two years of Governor counts as more experience than four years of being a Senator (two of which he has been campaigning).

    The two jobs are very different:

    Senators pass laws.  They don't run anything.  Obama hasn't run a single thing in his lifetime.  Governors run a state.  Governors are in charge.  

  18. Because the Demos  are shallow, stupid and racist.  Obama has NO experience, except at making speeches.  Maybe he can talk the Russians to death when they attack us.  Maybe he can make a speech in Tehran.

  19. Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

    ...and she called Hillary a "whiner."

  20. A Governor does more because it is an executive position.  Obama has done nothing in the Senate.  Oh I forgot he did run for President 143 days after getting there, a whole 5 months of Federal experience.

  21. Come on man show some pride, anyway yes she has executive experience, but Alaska is about 95% republican. If any human being lead anything that way 95% inline with what ever they represented...use your imagination. Oh yeah the republican party had the majority in the house and the senate and they also had a president in the white house and look what happened. What did she accomplish anyway? I bet Obama represented more people in his district when he was (two term) state senator then she even represented in the whole state of Alaska (+600,000). Oh by the way she under investigation for ethics violations as we speak, I think it came out right after she called on by McCain. The investigation and possible impeachment will be carried out by her Republican brethren in Alaska, can't blame this one on us "liberals."  

  22. I don't like Obama, but when McCain picked this woman, I changed my mind.  I still don't like Obama, but I'm going to vote for him.  

    As for Hillary being "a whiner," her voice is like velvet compared to the shrieking Fishwife from Alaska.

  23. What exactly has she accomplished??  What is her general knowledge of U.S. Government at a national level and international affairs? We don';t need a Barbie Doll for as a VP.

  24. Obama should be embarrassed, as should the media for playing along with the hype, the Democratic party for backing him, the state of Illinois for electing him to office…the list goes on.

    Two years as governor is better than a lifetime in the senate.

  25.   It's embarrassing that someone in America would think that Palin has accomplished more than Obama. She's the governor of Alaska. That's the Pork Barrel state. Thats the state with the$250 million bridge to nowhere that McCains has tried so hard to stop. We need to stop pretending that she's more than what she is.  

  26. is it embarrassing that obama has accomplished  more in 2 years in the Senate then McCain did in how ever long he has been hiding in the bathroom on capital hill?

    What has Sarah accomplished? her state has less peopple then the city i live in? they probably take turns being governor

  27. Huh?  She is a executive for a state smaller than Austin, Texas in poulation... the majority of its population is employed by two industries.  Yeah, she has a hard job... certainly ready for the prime time of foreign relations politics.

    Too bad that Austin's mayor wasn't a woman... maybe McCain would've looked at about 50 mayors in the US instead of picking this light weight.

  28. Who cares what she's done in 2 years. For the next 4,IF they win she will be doing nothing but taking NOTES! She's running for VP not president DUH! Besides OBAMA's got this one in the bag folks no surprise there who wants 4 more yrs of the same c**p?? I sure as h**l don't!!!

    VETERANS FOR OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Sorry it took me so long to answer this question, I am still laughing, accomplished more? A 9th grader could be Governor of alaska. The facts are is that she is Governor the 47th most populous state, She is being investigated by her own state legislature, and she did nude pictures in the 80's. Biden will rip her into shreds.

  30. Obama have no experience either.  

  31. Obots are programmed to debunk, deface, degrade and disrespect anything they feel is a direct threat to their livelihood without hearing both sides of a story, without judgment, with selfishness  and utter absurd accusations of the highest ground- a spiritual appreciation that is deeply lacking in this country that it not religious- they confuse the two and cannot listen to reason, no matter how hard one tries- they will try to break ones pride in showmanship just to be cruel and vindictive without knowing what principles they have that are so deeply embedded that they feel that Obama will live up to the hostilities of the world without recognizing that everyone is effected- they need to really smell what they're shoveling.  

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