
Installing a dishwasher?

by  |  earlier

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I have a home that has never had a dishwasher..

I would like to install this dishwasher that I have, but all of the installation advice I find is for replacing an old washer...can anyone help me?

(yes, I know it would be easier to hire someone, but I just can't afford it)

thanks so much




  1. you need a place to put it.

    know where the water pipes are.

    electrical wiring.

    want me to do it for free?

  2. Dishwashers are a standard size (24" wide) so if there's a space for one undercabinet then the one you want to install should fit ok.

    You need to connect three things:

      * AC plug - usually under the sink cabinet, shared with the disposer. This connects to the front of the dishwasher in a small junction box.

      * hot water line - tapped from the faucet connection. Also connects to the front of the dishwasher, to a small fitting.

      * waste line - connected to an air gap on the sink, then to the disposer which has a fitting for it.

    If you have all these things already there it's an easy job. The air gap is required by code: it prevents dirty water from the disposer fron being sucked back into the dishwasher.

    Link below has an illustrated step-by-step.

    EDIT - I reread your comment. If you want to use your built-in washer you have to modify your cabinet to accept it. The washer should be to the left or right of the sink to make it easier to run the waste and water line.

    So depending on your cabinet it could be easy (pulling out drawers and cutting) or very difficult (making a new cabinet face.) Ask a cabinet person.

  3. From the instructions you have for replacing a dishwasher you will find there are four things required.

    1.  Somewhere to put it.

    2.  A power supply.

    3.  A cold water supply.

    4.  A waste connection.

    Presumably you have somewhere to put it, and you checked the sizing before you bought the product.

    If you have not got a power supply convenient to the dishwasher you have a problem, which will require one to be provided.

    With respect to plumbing in and out, you will need to extend the existing plumbing so that it is convenient to the dishwasher.  If a cold water supply or a waste pipe or both is/are already convenient to the chosen location but you are not confident of your plumbing skills you can buy self-cutting adaptors which will do the job for you.  For pictures of the adaptors go to, which is a uk site and search for;

    1.self-cutting tap and 2. Drain out kit.  You can print out the images and go search for similar in your local diy store.

    Now you have power, coldwater and a waste connectiopn you can follow the the instruction you have for a replacement.  

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