
Installing a land line?

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How much should it cost to get a new land line instalation done?

i have just brought a new flat and need the telephone line connecting.

Who will the cheapest be?




  1. BT normally charge £125 to install a new line - unless there's an existing, live line that exists already.  However, they also seem to be running an offer until the end of June where the installation charge is dropped to £29.99 *IF* you take out an 18 month contract with them - though check that you're happy with the conditions first, as it would stop you changing to another phone provider for 18 months. See:

    Some other companies will install a landline for you, such as the Phone Co-op at £118.

    You can order a line from BT on 0800 800150, or from Phone Co-op on 0845 458 9000.

    If you live in an area with Virgin Media cable service, you may find they work out cheaper, especially if you get a package deal with broadband, TV etc.  Have a look at to get an idea of what services are available in your area.

  2. I reckon around £60 but what ever you do don't go with TalkTalk there total c**p (see and stick in Talktalk and you will see why!)

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