
Installing air filter..?

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Is it ok for the Check Engine light to come after installing this

in my 1996 f150?





  1. Well, it's not a good thing, but I wouldn't get too panicky. Are you sure you got everything hooked back up? The best thing to do would be to have the code read and cleared, and see what happens after that. And let us know what the code was.

    And before you take the intake back and ask for a refund because people are telling you it ruined your MAF sensor, you might want to read this;

  2. if all the sensors are plugged in it shouldnt because i dont think the company would sell a product that would make you chek light come on...but if the light wasnt on before thats probably causing it.

  3. it is never ok for the check engine light to come on and stay on but what you can do is disconnect the positive terminal on the battery for a few minutes 5 or so this will reset the computer if the light comes back on get it checked out

  4. Like you suspected your MAF sensor is shot, I have an intake very much like this in my garage. Put the factory parts back, replace MAF with a new one, and chalk this up to experience.

    Interesting article by K&N below, I dont buy it, wrecked two MAF sensors back to back with factory oiled filter K&N on an intake, the dealer was nice enough to replace the first under warranty, the second I had to pay for, the MAF sensor and the factory intake have given me no problems in 4 years since.

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