
Installing an old Win95 game ....?

by  |  earlier

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I have the game Space Bucks (I loved it) and want to install it on XP. It's freeware and I have it both on my hard-drive and on a cd. When I click 'setup' it goes throught all the tests and motions until it tries to copy files .... then it has an error and shuts down. It wa originally meant for Win 3.1 / 95. Any hints?




  1. Unable to install, I would just redownload the file somewhere online.  I'm sure you can find it somewhere since it's freeware.

    Then if it installs properly, make sure to run its compatibility mode.


  2. You can TRY to right click on the .exe file and change the properties so that your system will pretend to be on the 95 OS when you run that game.  

    I've tried that several times, sometimes it works, most times it doesn't, if it doesn't then there's nothing you can do unfortunately.

    You might want to try searching the internet for a download version of the game that is for XP.  Most of those old games are now on the internet, so for example do a Google search for "Ms. PacMan"+free  with the quotes and the +free.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Like the one guy said. win 95 was made on the doss layer which was file allocation table (fat) 16 and X P is made on the NTFS New technology file system which are not compatable. You might try loading it in safe mode but if that doesn't work you may have to find it online like the other guy said.. Also, the girl that said try to fool X P sometimes works too.

  4. It's not compatible  with XP  

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