
Installing wall outlet shock question?

by  |  earlier

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i was installing a new wall outlet and one of the s***w wer sticking as i was trying to s***w it in and i accidently touch the hot wire and shocked my thumbs for a second or two. should i be ok? my thumb felt shocked for a lil while but i feel ok so far???




  1. harden up.

  2. You should be fine...ive had worse....that shouldnt happen though....before working on electrical outlets/circuits please shut off power and be sure to test for power (i use a plug in detector then i use a multi-meter)

  3. You'll be fine. The white spot is a burn, the conduction of the electricity between you body and the s***w heated the s***w up causing the burn. My advice to you would be to shut off the breaker when doing any electrical work. You got lucky this time, but next time maybe not so lucky.

  4. if you think that was bad imagine what the electric chair is like??

  5. The current just traveled thru your thumb and hand not thru your body.  Now we know why we should turn the break off.

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