
Instant Acting Complete Body Cleanser?

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For those thinking that this product might work and think that everyone is pulling there chain telling them it doesnt. Personally tried it and it does NOT work. As a matter of fact now a days theyll even tell u that u took something. Just had to try it for myself.




  1. I took a long, hot Complete Body Cleanse last night and it was great! Then I detoxed my colon on the can and got in bed for 8 hours of horizontal, energy realignment.

  2. Instant Acting Complete Body Cleanser? The only thing that would fall into that category and actually work would be..... a shower?

  3. It's not healthy to detox too quickly.  The first thing should be diet--more veggies and fruits, much less starches and processed foods.  Additional fiber tablets are good if they are high-quality, and then pro-biotics.  Things like apple cider vinegar (unfiltered) are good, as well.  You don't need anything else, and there is no instant acting body cleanser.

  4. Have you tried an e***a or a colonic?

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