
Instant Replay!!! To determine calls on the field...are you for or against it ?

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Instant Replay!!! To determine calls on the field...are you for or against it ?




  1. Against using it for calls on the field.  Too many parameters involved.  Where to put the runners?  What happens if they're called out but are really safe, the runner may have been able to get to another base? etc.

    For using it to determine if a ball was a home run or not.  That's all it should be used for.

  2. against it for baseball and soccer, for it for football

  3. I am okay with instant replay to call home runs and plays at the plate.  I think each manager should have a certain number of "challenges" per 9 innings and then get one extra if the game goes extra innings

  4. for homeruns, fair/foul, safe and out at home plate....

    the giants are always getting screwed by the umps

  5. I am only for instant replay for close homerun calls but not on the filed calls

  6. wouldnt games take forever then because they would want to check every ball strike,  

  7. controversy is part of the game! i could understand it for home runs but nothing else

  8. I'm for instant replay, it helps determine whether the ump made a right call or not.  

  9. I like it. It's only for close home runs so it won't take too much time away from the game.  

  10. its only for homeruns if its fair or clear the wall.

    It dosent matter what we think its going to be used if we like it or not.

    i dont mind and i hate it.

  11. I am, reluctantly, in favor of it for boundary calls -- the part of the field furthest from any umpire (even with the "line umps" during the postseason -- an officiating role that really needs stricter definition of where to be and what to do), and where the game can change quickly and significantly with the right call.

    On the field? Basepaths? No. Go to that extreme and, frak, why even have umpires?

  12. for it but only if the umpires ask for it, not the caoches, and it has to be before the umpire makes the decision

  13. I am against it 100%.  The beauty of baseball is that it doesn't have to depend on modern day technology to be the greatest of all sports.  Bud Selig is killing baseball with his witch hunts, his obvious protection of Barry Bonds during the home run chase, his complete lack of control during the steroid era, his constant @$$ kissing of major league ownership, his insane approval of inter league play, his abiding loyalty to the DH rule, and now he wants to completely destroy the game by not allowing the umpires to do their freakin' jobs.

    This is a travesty of the game and Bud Selig should be kicked out of baseball for good.

  14. With the way stadiums are being designed and built today, I have to reluctantly say that I am for the instant replay ONLY on the homerun calls like they are doing.  Any other application would be unnecessary.  Umpires get calls right 98% of the time or better.  How often do you see a replay when you're watching a game on tv where an umpire missed the call?  If you do see one, they slow it down and show it frame by frame in which case the play was close enough to go either way anyway.  

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