
Instant <span title="Replay!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?">Replay!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!...</span>

by Guest66850  |  earlier

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just read that instant replay is now going to be in Baseball how do u feel of this??




  1. I think that it&#039;s a horrible stupid idea &gt;So umpires make mental mistakes that cost games

    BFD so do players&gt;it&#039;s part of the game

    What  we do next invent a new statistic for players called the ME  for  the mental errors that players make that cost games ?

    I&#039;m sure that not too many  people will jump all over that bandwagon

    They&#039;ve been trying to&quot;fix baseball &quot;since they lowered the mound and all that  ever did  was to take away all the things that are  great about baseball.

    What&#039;s next ?Two separate teams offensive and defensive?

  2. They should get rid of umpires altogether. Let computers and lasers and the such make the call. Get mechanical robot pitchers, too, so there won&#039;t be such long delays while a reliever warms up. You could have runners on electronic tracks, too. You know, the single sheet of metal cut to look like a runner. Then, of course, we could have the batters be robots and we could all vote on. . .oh, let&#039;s just play baseball on the computer and be done with it.

  3. Not only is it the worse thing that could happen to baseball but starting it in the middle of the season is just insane.  What in the h**l is Bud Selig doing to this wonderful game of ours.  This is a crime against humanity.  The DH was bad enough followed by the irrelevance of inter league play but this kills it for me.

    To say I&#039;m disappointed is an understatement.  Bud Selig is destroying baseball.

  4. I&#039;m against it. The mistakes are part of the game. Also, with all the &quot;crack down&quot; on how long it take to play a game, I see no way this is helping that matter.

    If the umps are making too many bad calls, that needs to be dealt with off the field. The plays can be reviewed after the game (when it will not change the outcome of the game), and if there are umps that are making too many bad calls, they can be warned or disciplines then.

  5. i think this could help alot more and it wont be often that they need to do this

  6. i as a baseball fan hate to take away the human element but i say it&#039;s time for instant replay because the game is getting faster and it&#039;s hard for ump to get the call right 100% of the time  

  7. It sucks, just play the game. In a 162 game season the calls come out even in the end. They already have extra umps in the playoffs to make sure they get the foul calls right.

    It made football horrible to watch, it made hockey horrible to watch, and now it&#039;s going to make horrible to watch.

  8. with all the blown calls lately they need it or a whole new group of umpires all together

    ex: the rays game the other day dude called out at first for trying to go to second when he didn&#039;t at all  

  9. I actually like it. there are too many bad calls on HR that are either Foul or land on top of the fence. I think it is a good Idea. It wont put so much on the Umpire shoulders to make a game deciding call in a critical game.

  10. Next year, not this year

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