
Instead of battling the illegal immigrants, wouldn't it be easier just to annex Mexico?

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Just being facecious, of course. But it would solve the whole border-patrol problem. And we could collect income tax from the drug cartel to fund the cost of running the place.




  1. I see this question at least once a day here on YA. I guess its the old "if you can't beat them join them" scenario.

    The issue is America does not  need more land, nor do we need the problems that Mexico has and may always have.

    Now we even have the Mexican army illegally crossing the border and robbing and murdering citizens.

    I think it's best if we just secure our border and let Mexico figure out how to clean themselves up.

  2. One of the primary reasons that we are battling illegal aliens is that there is a HUGE cultural difference between Mexico and the United States.  That single adjustment, by the way, is simply not working with the illegal aliens, and we find it every day in the Department of Justice Prison Records.  Illegal aliens are going to jail in huge numbers for their percentage of the population.  Annexing Mexico and throwing all of them in jail is not bright at any level.

  3. That still wouldn't do a thing to deal with illegal aliens that are coming from dozens of other countries.  Sure there are a good amount of problems along the US/Mexico border, but its not the whole problem.   There are other ways into the country, and many end up here by overstaying visa's.

  4. I don't see why not, their gas is cheaper and we could learn from the illegals.  They're taking a large portion of this country back without firing a shot.

  5. You've got it backwards, Mexico is annexing us!

  6. Well, either annex them (which we would have to invade them and fight a war to do) or give them back Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

    (To MollyPitcher: True, many otherwise legal Mexican immigrants become illegal by overstaying their visas, but if it weren't a separate country, they wouldn't need visas.  Not unless we wanted to become more like Russia, anyway, where you need passports and visas to travel within the country.)

  7. with what authority? taking over another country isn't that easy

  8. Yes it is North America....Only God can change that.

  9. I say we take on Cabos and leave them the rest.

  10. Well, if the age old "can't beat them, join them" doesn't work, we could always try "can't beat them, nuke them!" Who knows, might even improve their water a little bit. :)

  11. or maybe have government work with mexican government, help them develop better economy, on long term it would solve illegal immigrant problem and cut border patrolling costs, improve economy of both countries and not to say it would be neighbourly thing to do =) just thought

  12. i would say it's difficult... but what about making some special arrangements like visa waiver for a week stay? hmm, but then i have no idea of any existing visa procedures between the usa and mexico, if there's any. hehehe...

  13. Yeah then we call the the new state bordering Texas, Mexas.

  14. No the USA likes the immigrants because of the cheap labor, and they act as if they don't...because at the border there are two signs, one his help wanted, and one is keep out. Most of the large companies in charge enjoy the cheap labor of illegals.

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