
Instead of passing the car seat law??

by  |  earlier

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Instead of passing this law, to make your kids from 4 ft. and under or until you are 8 years old ride in a dam car seat, don't you think if your car was so unsafe for your child, that you would have to put them into a car seat, then why the h**l don't they make the cars with the flippen seats built right in? Or is this just a way for the gov't to bone us again?




  1. Because when I buy a car I dont want kids seats in it.

    They make a mess and I dont want kids in my car.

    Cars are not unsafe for your child any more than they are unsafe for anybody.

    It is simply that if you have an accident all passengers need to be held from moving forward and hitting either the person in front or the windscreen.

    Car manufacturers dont know who is going to buy or if they have kids.

    When you buy a car you have the option of asking for kids seats to be fitted.

  2. Many families want to drive cars without containing kids of those ages, and as the kids grow older, the safety needs evolve.

    The reality is that the government has become a nanny state, and whose fault is that?  It is the fault of the people who complain to the government "there ought to be a law" every time something bad happens, where there was not already a law.

    We have the government that was demanded by past people and business enterprise lobbyists.  You have the power to change this.  Get involved politically.  There is a Presidential and Congressional election campaign going on right now.  It is not too late for you to get involved in it, to influence changes in our future, to be less of a nanny state.

  3. I think you raise a valid point.

    But I dont see this ''little''' oversight ever being changed.

           Remember if it were not for Ralph Nader and others like him,, there would be no safety features at all. And you see how the politicans keep drumming after him when he runs for president. He scares the h**l out of them.

  4. .

    Pay up or use contraception...


  5. Cost and practicality...The cost of building a car seat into a vehicle would add several hundred dollars to the cost of the vehicle...Since most folks are keeping their vehicles longer these days and toddlers don't stay as toddlers very long, it would not make any sense to take up a passenger seat position with a specialized seat for little kids...Finally, most car seats double as a 'carrying case' to tote little ones around...Thus, in many cases, one would have to have an additional carrier if there was a child's seat built in the vehicle

  6. My advice to you sir is to plan a trip to your nearest state trooper office to look over pictures of kids that lost their lifes because there weren't any devices in place to avoid problems. I have seen where a child's life was saved while the rest of the people in the accident die because it was in a car seat. For everyone like you that aren't happy with the law, because it takes time to put that little one in safe seat, there are many more that are happy with the law and follow it.

    Remember also one other thing, cars aren't unsafe, it's the nuts that get behind the wheel that don't care for anyone else except their selfs that laws are made.

  7. Some car companies already do make built in car seats an option but like you said, the government and the money issue will always play a big part.........

    Also when they are not needed they fold back up so that an adult can seat there.................

  8. because if it was bult in the option of having an adult in there would be lost

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