
Instead of showing and talking about McCain's service last night, why?

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Didn't they show some of our current vets in Walter Reed now, and those that have been released?




  1. Because the Republican'ts can't run on the issues.  Look the fact of the matter is the DOW dropped 344 points yesterday, millions of Americans have lost their homes and while gas prices have dropped their still ridiculous.  None of them want to talk about the Iraq War because it's a mistake,(even though they will have you think it's a victory, if we already succeeded why are we still there), and then you have the GI Bill.  They want Americans to get their limbs blown off but they don't want to give their support.

    Friends don't let vote Republican.

  2. Several times they showed vets in the audience. I think most were older vets. It would have been nice to show some younger vets. He did mention of course his son who was in Iraq. I just think it's hard to cover it all in 45 minutes, that's all.

  3. If you've ever met, known a wounded vet, you would know that THE MAJORITY DO NOT want to be placed on exhibition.

    They accept their plight and knew the risks when they joined the military service.

    There may be some, but I've never met a wounded vet who spent their time with WOE IS ME!

    McCain speaks of lessons he has learned from his experiences.

    We all learn from the good and the bad in life, as you will also.

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