
Instead of the price of drink going up! how about the age limit?

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do you think if the age limit went up this may stop binge drinking at the moment its 21, what if it went to 25




  1. It should be both - not one or the other!

    Price = £5.50

    Age = 19 / 20

    If it went up 25 then thats fantastic!

  2. I grew up when the change to 21 happened.  I was already just 21,but it seemed like all the ones that were between 18 and 21 got repeatedly arrested for drinking! It created an immediate criminal underclass out of what had been law-biding citizens! Prohibition never works!

  3. Absolutely not.

    Binge drinking is most common in people under the age of 21.  Moving the age limit up won't affect much at all.

  4. Nice idea, but I don't think it would work.

    The problem is, those under the age limit get their alcohol illegally, usually asking a feckless adult to buy it for them, or using a fake ID.

  5. I think its got alot to do with how you are brought up. I don't smoke or drink yet both my parents did. Drunkenness was never linked to cool. These days it seems to be. I think it also had alot to do with self respect and I'm d**n sure we would see a lot less binge drinking, unwanted pregnancies, under age s*x, street fighting ect if young people had more self respect.

  6. h**l no.

  7. iv bin saying that for years now

    in UK age limit is only 18 i think if it went up to 25 it would stop a lot

  8. there would be no unplanned pregnanincies, no abortions, no  drink and drive killings so the world wud b a better place.  gud qs

  9. if the current age limit doesnt stop people drinking in their young teens, i dont think a higher age limit would make any difference

  10. the age limit has, until recently been 18, yet there are 12 years olds walking the street with alcohol, you could put the age limit up to 65 and they'd still get hold of it somehow. If they truly had no way of getting any alcohol they'd go on to something else cheap like aerosols.

  11. if the age limit went up they wouldnt make any money (tax) so thats why the price  only went up.

  12. im from ireland where the drinking age is 18. I think the legal age could be 40 and young people would still find ways to drink!!! Its all about educating people from a young age. Teaching them to have a responsible attitude towards drink and when they do reach the legal age hopefully they will be wise!

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