
Instead of trying to prevent Global Warming, should we concentrate more on adapting to it?

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Could it just be that,as evidence in history suggests(eg: ice age), Global Warming is just a test for "the strongest will survive" and humanity has to try to adapt in order to survive?

What do you think...




  1. It takes a long time to adapt as a species.  We don't have the luxury of that time.

    I think that, barring a miracle or a total change in human nature, we are on the point of extinction.

  2. There may also be significant costs to doing nothing, which should be discussed as well. I know many people like to point out that there have been warm periods before. But there weren’t always humans around in those eras, and even when there were, they weren’t doing agriculture on the massive scale we do today. Or running air-conditioners around the clock. Or building major metropolitan areas right on the seacoasts or in places where water supplies are iffy. And if disaster struck, they packed their tents and left. What's the 21st Century equivalent of that?

    If the Senate and House actually manage to produce a global warming bill this term, President Bush would probably veto it. Among the pressures senators face is the suggestion that they dodge the debate this year so they don't back themselves into corners they can't extricate themselves from next time around.

  3. Exactly. It's either we adapt to change or we get left behind. The constant thing in life is change...

    BTW I don't believe in global warming, do you?


    They say there environmentalist, and yet they eat meat!

  4. I think Global Warming and Cooling are natural things that some people decide to make a big deal out of. The world has always grown in temperature and plummeted in temperatures as well it's natural. I agree that we should just get prepared to deal with it and get beyond it.

  5. Yes. It's natural, so we should adapt to it instead of trying to prevent it. If we ever succeeded in preventing it, we may turn into ice sickles.

    That nutcase Gore should undergo a mental exam, followed by civil or criminal charges if he's found competent enough to stand trial.

  6. Let's see:  The globe supposedly warmed a degree over the last 150 years.  How much central planning/taxing did it take to adapt to that?  Sorry, your plan won't work because the whole POINT is for government to step in and seize more power.

  7. Individual people and companies are adapting.  Look at the wine industry for example.  The Languedoc region in France now allows some irrigating where it was previously forbidden.  US growers are experimenting with heat-resistant grapes.  Argentinian growers are planting vineyards closer to the Andean slopes.  In South Africa, winemakers have moved Sauvignon Blanc vines to higher altitudes and sought patches open to sea breezes.  English wineries traditionally planed German varieties but are now moving toward French varieties such as chardonnay and pinot noir.

    Wine growers are more sensitive to changes than other growers because small changes affect the wines so much.  You see them adapting now, other products will have to adapt later.

  8. Definitely not.  I actually wrote a wiki article sub-section on a similar subject this morning.

    Studies have shown that taking steps to mitigate global warming now will cost 0.1-3.5% of the annual global GDP, which grows at 3% per year, so essentially it will just slow global economic growth.

    In comparison, a British study last year concluded that trying to adapt to unabated climate change will eventually cost us 5-20% of the global GDP each year, every year.  It's a far more expensive alternative.

    For further details, see Myth #11 at the link below.

  9. Interesting concept. I'm off to buy some Norwegian fjord beach property as the "New Carribean" as we speak.

  10. hmmm...nice excuse...

    but no one can save u.....u hav 2 change it ..stop it..

  11. yes

    the sun is the cause, anyway.

  12. You're right, there are two ways to approach this, and both need to be incorporated into any reasonable plan.

    We need to mitigate for global climate change.  Basically change the way we do business so future generations and millions of other species will have some semblance of a future.

    And, we'll need to be able to adapt. I've seen proposals for homes and businesses that float, on giant cruise ships.  Entire communities will need to be assessed and possibly fortified or relocated.

    I think we need to explore options, and sluff off the knee jerk reactions such as biofuels, which is a process we need to be aware of but not a solution here, since it causes as many problems as it solves.  We need to reign in the politics, but because this is a global venture we won't be able to dodge this process entirely.  But we can refine it as the process of mitigating and adapting unfolds.

    Kyoto, for instance, is imperfect, but it was a bold step in the right direction.  In a few months we will hear the U.S. speaking, hopefully, with a clear voice on the issue, and the dialogue here can finally begin in earnest.

  13. Technically, we had the choice to reverse Global Warming if major governments and big businesses all over the globe gave a d**n !

    Adapting is not a choice, some who will survive will adapt.

    As someone already mentioned, natural adaptation will not have time to respond to domino effects ahead.

    To cushion the horrific impacts ahead, we can prepare or adapt pro-actively.

    . . . just some further simple measures that can make a big difference to cushion the horrific impacts ahead:

    >> change the traditional farming practice of open degradation of land, water and energy resources and switch to vertical farming;

    >> change the distribution of resources spread across vast areas of land mass, adopt scaled permaculture on kitchen benchtops, window sills, balconies, back gardens, and community nurseries;

    >> promote innovation and use of renewable energy sources - I do not mean solar PV at a formidable cost to environment, formidable cost to buy and to maintain - there are simple solar thermal, wind turbine, and geo-thermal solutions that do not need advanced technology and anyone can assemble them from existing materials at any hardware shop, or surprisingly from stuff in your garage or attic !

    >> say no to any warmongering - wars not only kill and maim all life forms, and galvanise revenge, but also create colossal volumes of toxic materials, and gases, including greenhouse gases;

    >> use computers beyond screen savers in offices, and beyond surfing - most types of office work and even manufacturing and engineering work can be performed and/or re-engineered via low cost re-designing of PCs and peripherals abundant at most homes !

  14. The thing is it is not Global Warming that causing all the fuss but the people that they are estimating the possibility of it, I think that the weather is changing, for our world has moved from its normal orbit ,and moved closer to the sun, This had happened cause of testing atom bombs  under the ground,and this made our world change its orbit round the sun

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