
Instead of worrying about other people in the USA should we just go back to the Gun Slinging days?

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Problems we're solved more quickly that way and debate was an after thought.




  1. Yup, Ya see this yer 45 on muh heeyup?

    An' any low-down varmint what calls me a gennulmun or any other nasty name is agonna be apickin' up his teeth wif two broken arms if'n he's lucky, er else atastin' lead ifn he ain't.

    Them's fightin' words.

  2. Good Point!

    If our Judicial keeps going the way it has been for years, we may all end up protecting ourselves.

    Slap your insolent child?  Go directly to jail.

    Get fined for what used to be things that was your choice.

    Murder 12 people from a rooftop and you get counseling and maybe a book deal.

    As long as judges are put into office by their friends and not voted in....we are screwed.

  3. In those days the general population was very small. People used guns everyday to hunt for food and protect themselves from harm. There was no 911 or cars or supermarkets. If you lived within a days ride to a neighbor you were too close. Carrying a weapon was a necessity. Today we have other options of food and protection. But we also have guns and law which are necessary in order to maintain the safety of the population.

    I have lived in very remote areas and rest assured I carried a gun on me at all times. I live in the city now and still have licensed weapons within reach but do not need to carry one all the time. Here I would call the police or go to the grocery store for meat.  Guns are not romantic toys; they are dangerous tools that serve a purpose.

  4. Works for me!

  5. Oh ya... I like that idea

    Boomrat with 6 gun will travel

    Are the beans free

  6. The way our government protects us we just be have to

  7. You watch too many movies.  The "Old West" wasn't as theatrical and cut-throat as it's portrayed by Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer.  Inner city neighborhoods are far more violent than towns back in the good old days.

  8. Yep, back to good old frontier justice. We have more crime than all of our law enforcement can handle. The cops are burdened down with too many laws in favor of the bad guys.  The courts just put the bad guys out on the street as fast as they get locked up.

    Yep, back to gunslingers, bounty hunters, dead or alive wanted posters, posses, vigilantes, and  public hangings.

    Give the guilty parties a fair trial and then hang 'em high.

    People respected each other a lot more when everybody carried a firearm on his hip.  And more bad guys were killed by other bad guys than by the sheriffs.

  9. In some places we have already done that...and it is ugly there.  I would rather have my family safe wherever we decide to go.  I really wish people could just make up their minds and agree to disagree and such.  Instead of making every d**n thing a federal case.  In some ways we need to be more harsh and get away from this p.c. b.s. , and in other ways we need to get a little softer.

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