
Instep pain when jogging?

by  |  earlier

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I always have pain in my instep when I go jogging. It is not a sharp pain, but more of a bothersome discomfort that keeps me from running faster. It has always been there, on and off, for the last ten years.

I always run late in the afternoon, so I think my feet are already warmed up when I start my run. It is very pronounced at the start of my run, but if I kept running for more than half an hour, it goes away.

Can you please tell me what this is and how to get rid of it?




  1. You should go to a chiropractor, i think that your back is out of alignment.

  2. Your feet may be out of alignment. Either go to a running store and get some insoles to help with the problem or go to a podiatrist to have them look at your feet. If there is a problem, they will recommend orthotics. If you need orthotics, without them the pain will only continue, eventually to your legs an knees.

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