
Instinct and emotion is the same only in different package?

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1. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli:

When most people are faced with a great threat to their existence that is known to them or something greatly unknown they react in fear.A response to environmental stimuli.

They react in fear because they are pre programmed to react in fear.We are all born with emotions.One cannot learn how to "feel emotion" like love.Emotions are a program that activate in certain situation.Even though anger is triggered by thought it is still a pre programmed action.We can chose to think "angry thougths"but we cannot chose to be angry.We can be lazy but we cannot chose to be lazy.We can only allow it to control us.Conscience can overwrite instinct if one so chooses and if it is strong enough.

I believe that most people do not want to believe that emotions,like love,are instincts because they do not want to believe that what they feel is just a pre programmed instruction being carried out thus making them essentialy an animal which most people would never accept because they know what happens to animals.They get dominated.Everything they think they have is the property of the ones above them.They get enslaved to work for those in power or they get eaten or killed for fun.Their life is expendable.They refuse the possibility because they think that their life would be just expendable merchandise even though many of those in power think it is and act like it even though they would never admit it publicly out of fear of judgment and/or punishment.

Most people do not want to accept the possibility that they have no control over most of their actions because they fear loosing control or even their illusions of self control.They do not want to believe that their life is not their own but the life their instincts control.If they have no control over their "instincts"and their "emotions"then what do they control?

It is possible to gain control over many of our instincts but not all.At least not at this point in time.Instincts like fear,anger,lust,jealousy,envy,greed,glut... are very much possible to control but it takes a strong mind which many do not have but can have if they want to.All have the same potential.

If we are devoid of instincts then what are we?we have not desires.We are nothing.No different then rocks.

I for one have nothing against being controlled by noble instincts such as:creativity,compassion,empathy,moral instincts.

If we want nothing then we are nothing.

What do you think?




  1. Well done. Agree with everything you wrote.

    The Chinese philosopher Tientai demonstrated, in great detail, the continuity of inner cause and the environment and developed a system of meditation which allowed practitiners to understand and use this continuity.

    The 13th century Japanese monk named Nichiren derived a formula that made the process available to ordinary people. It entails combining the five observable truths about life and adding a Sanskrit word for focused intention.

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