
Institutions" do "we the people" lock away alcoholics and drug addicts?

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but allow the medical elite,and corrupt leaders that kill walk the streets of america,complements from "MURDER INC.??




  1. Ah....For a history course : up to the 1930's yes, they went in to insane asylums and so did alot of other types of people....even the homeless.  As for your question/rant??? I haven't a clue to its meaning(lucky me).

  2. as an ex addict i dont think its good to push addicts in one place and cast them off as someting we are a shamed off all that they need is some love from family and people to talk to that will not judge them for what they are they do need help but they can only get help when they are ready for it and ask for it you cant help someone who doesnt want help

  3. well u don't need 2 look 4 America, I have that in my country

  4. if we do. then who will be the president? ^_^

  5. Seems like a pretty loaded question to me.

    Many alcoholics and drug addicts simply cannot manage their own affairs.  Putting them in an institution where they can get help is simply humane, leaving them be would be the opposite.

    On the other hand, jailing them simply due to their status as drug abusers is probably counterproductive.  It wastes jail space for people who really need to be in jail.

    And who are the "medical elite"?  The best doctors?  Insurance companies?  Pharmaceutical companies?  Some of these people do tremendous good.  Those who don't are no better or worse than anyone else (unless they do something illegal or unethical, in which case they'll probably end up in court anyway).

    Not all leaders are corrupt.  The ones that are sometimes are very clever about concealing their's not easy to bust a good cheat.  When they do get caught, they get to go to jail, too.  There are former congressmen in jail...isn't that good enough for you?

    And who is "Murder Inc."?  There's no monolithic organization that I'm aware of orchestrating a campaign of corruption and control.  A lot of little evils can add up, and even good men can do a little evil.  Open your eyes, you don't need a conspiracy to explain every little problem with society.

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