
Insult to injury?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think hospitalised stab victims will appreciate being gawped at by strangers in this latest "shock tactic" bid to curb knife crime?

I'm sure knife carriers who are caught will love all that blood n' gore - i would tell 'em to "faack oorf!"




  1. If I got stabbed, the last person I would want to see is the one who stabbed me... & I wouldn't want him & his mates knowing where to find me, either !

  2. I personally think that this sort of tactic is another 'namby pamby' way of dealing with the problem.

    If we locked these people up to safeguard other law abiding members of the public and treated them as criminals by giving them basic amenities in prison then they may think twice about doing this sort of thing again.

    If someone has the capacity to cause serious harm to another human being by inuring them with a weapon then they don't deserve to have their liberty.

  3. blinking liberal minded idiots this is a middle class thinking at its worse

    these ( yobbos) even that word is far to meek to descibe these evil little scroats need more of a shock jail them without any thing else in their cell but a bed and a bog

  4. The shock tactic they need is the shock of a truncheon landing on their skull a few dozen times, instead of this asinine opportunity to leer at their victims some more.  

    If anybody would bother to realize that it's the lack of a good old, down-home whoopass now and then, which allows these turdlets to become what they are, we might have half a chance at raising decent human beings.
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