
Insurance, salvage title,?

by  |  earlier

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my parked car was hit by a school bus a few months ago.

the bus company's insurance company declared car a total loss (although it was drivable) and paid me the worth of my car.

The DMV mailed me a letter saying i had to get my car safety inspected before they would give me the title/ salvage certificate.

Before i could do that, i was involved in another accident in the same car that was my fault.

I filed it with my insurance company, as well as told them that the car had previously been declared salvaged.

Today the insurance company called me and told me they have declared my car a total loss and want to pay me what the car is worth.

I figure the fact that the car was already totalled got lost in the channels of communication.

once they find that the title has been declared salvaged, are they going to not pay me?




  1. Only time will tell.

    You could very likely get paid twice. Live with it.

  2. If the insurance company finds out they paid you for a car that was totaled and you all ready collected on it they will be after you. This is fraud.

  3. Even if they do pay you before they find that your car has already been declaired a total loss, they will recontact you and ask for the money back, and they will file suit if necessary, not only for the money but for fraud. Never mess with an insurance Co. You could also lose your license to drive for a period of time and be on a non-insurable list as well.

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