
Insurance claim - loss adjuster's visit?

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I was recently a victim of a street robbery and had over £7000 worth of jewerly stolen from me. I am expecting a visit tommrow from the insurance companys loss adjuster who is visiting me at my home. What is a loss adjuster and what should I expect from the visit?

Thanks for your help




  1. They will come to your home and ask about the incident.  I expect they will want a crime number from the police and will probably want to see receipts for your jewellery.  If you have any photographs of your items that would probably help.

  2. They are actually really helpful and employed by the insurance companies to expedite settlement of claims. I'm envious you had £7000 worth of jewellery, what on earth were you wearing?

  3. The loss adjuster will be looking to document your story.  Make sure you've filed a police report.  They will likely take a statement from you regarding the facts of the loss, have you fill out some paperwork regarding the loss and the items taken.  Not knowing how your insurance policy reads, most only provide basic coverage for jewelry.  If you have added a rider to your policy to go above that amount you likely were required to get an appraisal for the items taken.  You might want to have those handy as well.  They will be looking into your financials as well.  Hopefully, the police were able to get the suspect.  If not, they might be looking to make sure your claim is not fraudulant.  One quick question, your not behind on your mortgage payments are you????????

  4. loss adjusters are professionals who are employed exclusively by policyholders who have sustained an insured loss. A Loss  Adjuster will help evaluate the loss, determine replacement costs, and work on the policyholders behalf to settle the insurance claim.A loss adjuster is an impartial claims specialist responsible for investigating claims on behalf of insurance companies. The role involves examining the causes of loss or damage, confirming that they are covered by the insurance policy, and assessing the validity of the claim. Writing claims reports for insurance companies and making recommendations on appropriate payment are also key parts of the job.

    Loss adjusting is a profession that provides plenty of variety, since it deals with claims for damage arising from numerous causes, e.g. fire (including arson), storm, flooding, accidents, burglaries and fraud.

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