
Insurance company ask how many miles i drive to work one way that's10mi. so what would the annual miles be?

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insurance company ask how many miles i drive to work one way ok thats 10 miles then they ask for an annual estimated miles i said 4800 they said i understated alittle help please what did figure wrong




  1. How many miles do you drive your car each year?  4800 is too low.  Most people drive between 12,000 and 15,000 miles per year.

  2. 3360mi just driving there but back and forth is 6720mi

    10MI  x  7(days in a week)=70MI

    70MI x 4(weeks in a month)=280MI

    280MI x 12(months in a year) = 3360MI

    3360MI in 12 months 10MI a day

    3360MI + 3360MI= 6720MI (if you count the 10MI back home)

  3. OK, assuming you work full time, ten miles one way, is 20 miles a day, times five days a week, times 50 weeks (two weeks vacation).

    If you never went to the grocery store, or did any other errands in your car, your milage would be 5,000 a year.   But you PROBABLY put closer to 8000 or 10,000 ,miles on your car.  Because, unless you have a second car, you ARE using your car to go to the store, the gas station, the dry cleaners, visit mom, etc.

  4. so, you drive 20 miles round trip a day, 5 days a week, 52 days a year.

    so 20*5*52= 5200 miles a year.

    That would be just for work use.  the average person puts 12000 on their car a year (at least according to a carfax report i got on my car)

  5. Insurance companies want to know approximately how many miles you drive each year to properly rate the risk. The more you drive, the greater the risk to the company.

    If you drive to and from work 5 days a week, that would be 5000 miles, assuming 2 weeks for vacation. Also, we would assume you drive on vacation at least the number of miles you drive during a work-week.

    If you know how many miles you drive per month, or average per week, in all your driving, just multiply that number by the number of months or weeks in a year.

    We already know you drive a minimum of 100 miles per week. that would be 433.3 miles per month (4.333 weeks in a month). If you drive a total of another 150 miles per week, just running around, shopping, etc., that would make it 250. Your total monthly average would be 1083.25 miles per month.

    250 X 52 = 13000 miles per year, or

    1083.25 X 12 = 12,999 annual miles.

    Hope this helps.

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