
Insurance company dragging feet badly what can i do???

by  |  earlier

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i was in a motorcycle wreck july 14 last year im constantly calling trying to see what else they need before i can get a settlement i had to personally get ahold of all the companys i went to while injured get all the paperwork and fax it back to them made copies had comformation that their company recived it but they lady handling it lost paperwork multiple times had a different person work my case still didnt help. i had full coverage on my motorcycle and police report the other person pulled a illegal u-turn in front of me put me in ICU for 3 days and then regular care for another week. what would be a reasonable pain and suffering for an inch and a half cut on my spleen brusing of left lung stitches in my had and lost my job and hand to move back in with my parents




  1. I had an adjuster who did not do a good job when I had an accident.  I called his 'Boss' and told him the story.  Included facts that I was always calling him and getting all the papers together, and asked him if it wasn't the adjusters job.  No problem.  His boss finished the job, had a check in my hands in two weeks and will never use that adjuster aain.  Cost me nothing except a phone call on an 800 number.

  2. I would hire an attorney to duke it out for me. Look in the phone book under Attorneys, then find one whose ad says "auto accidents" or "insurance claims."

    Even if you have to pay him a third of what he gets you, it's worth your time to heal, not to fight.

  3. You need to tell us where the accident occurred.  Case value is going to vary from state to state.   What are your total meds and lost wages.  How long did you treat?  Other than the hospitalization, what kind of treatment did you undergo?   How long were you totally disabled?  Do you have any permanent loss of function or scarring?  

    The adjuster should have asked you to sign a medical authorization.  This would allow the adjuster to secure all of the needed medical documentation to properly evaluate your claim.   You would not have had to do all of the leg work yourself.  

    The least you are entitled to would be your medicals and lost wages.  The most you could recover would be the policy limits of the at-fault driver.   Hopefully that party had adequate coverage.  

    Contact a supervisor and find out when you can expect an offer.   Be polite.   The supervisor will either evaluate the claim, or will reassign it to a competent adjuster.  I was a supervisor for a long time.  This is how I would handle it.

  4. Honestly, I would get an attorney.  Your considered a 3rd party, the insurance company has 2 years to settle with you...(Calif.)  Sounds like they have adjusters that are not with the program and your suffering for it.

    Why beat yourself up for something that should have been taken care of some time ago.  You seem to have provided them everything except a good sock in the jaw.

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