
Insurance coverage?

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My boyfriend is going to the suboxone clinic and his insurance covers the office visits but it isn't covering the medication because its not generic. Does anyone know any insurance companies or websites out there that we can get by himself and not thru his work. 200 a month would be great just as long as it is covering the doctor visits and the medication because it is very expensive. If anyone has any advise please let me know. Thank you




  1. Your boyfriend would have a very hard time qualifying for new coverage while in the middle of treatment. Unfortunately, it is best he stay with what he have. Even though it is expensive, be glad that he has the insurance. Otherwise this entire treatment could be quite costly.

  2. Since your boyfriend is already being treated for this condition, it would be considered pre-existing condition and thus would not be covered.  Sorry!

  3. Unfortunately an insurance company doesn't want to pay for those bills any more than he wants to pay for it.  I always recommend to my clients to examine the medication coverage and take in account what could happen down the road.  And, unfortunately some of them choose an option that doesn't cover brand name drugs.  That's the downfall of trying to save a buck and later be stuck with huge bills.

  4. If he's got a pre-existing condition that requires regular medication, no private company is going to swap $200 a month in for $500 a month out.  Or even $200 a month out.  

    They'd go broke.  

    Don't believe me?  Call any local health insurance agent, and ask them for quotes.
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