
Insurance deductible and Body Shop?

by  |  earlier

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I got into an accident and the body shop guy didnt collect my deductible, he said he will take care of it. Now I am in processing of suing the body shop for something that went wrong.

Will I get in trouble for not paying the deductible? I mean he offered me that I dont have to pay.




  1. Its goes like this:  The body shop charges you a bill, lets say, $2500.00; your deduct is 500.00; the body shop sends the bill to your insurance company; the ins co pays the body shop 2000.00.

    This is why he said you don't have to pay.

  2. call you insurance ageant at company and tell them that you were there to pay your deductible and the repair shop for you not to that he said that was already taken care of so you picked up the car and went on only to find out that your are being sued, what are you to in this problem, did you sign the invoice? if so what does it say in fine print, it might come down to you paying it, what it sounds like to me that happen was the repair shop was trying to pull a fast one, not relizing that the insurnace check would be for the amount of repairs minus the dect. so for example if it was 2,000 bill then your dedt. was 500.00  then they only got a check for 1500.00 but I would get the invoice and talk with the insurance company and make sure he is not trying to pull a fast one over both of you, he could have submitted the invoice of 2500.00 got paid the 2000.00 repair bill and now he is trying to make an extra 500.00 on you and scaring you with a law suit.

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