
Insurance for a retail business?

by Guest44659  |  earlier

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A question for those who are business owners:

Im taking an online course in Entrepreneurship and am in the process of writing up a starting costs report. I would appreciate it if you could tell me on average how much you paid for your business insurance(total) for a month, year, or whatever the interval is. Thanks.




  1. An average premium means nothing because there are too many variables that affect the final premium.

    What type of business? (are we talking about a Hallmark card shop or a jewelry store)

    What is the total value of your inventory?

    Do you own the building you occupy?

    Are there other occupants in the building?

    Do you have any other locations?

    What are the total annual sales of your business?

    Do you have employees? (i.e. Workers compensation insurance)

    Do you plan on providing health insurance benefits for employees?

    Will your business need to deliver the products you sell, such as furniture, that might require one or more delivery trucks?

    Can't really give you even an educated guess without some information about your business. Kind of like asking what is the average cost of insuring a 2004 Chevrolet Impala, because the individual circumstances vary significantly the answer you get is meaningless.

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