
Insurance fraud HELP?

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I switched employers last year and when doing so kept my health insurance with ex-employer threw the cobra rights. well a month after leaving the company they switched health insurance carriers to National Alliance somthing this compnay is a total crock. I had a baby during the time of coverage with them and they have paid NOTHING they hae given me the run around saying one thing and doing another even the benefits package and paper work i have gives the run around. one page says one thing and the next page condradicts everything on the prior page... and on top of that i got a letter from SDS, LLC. saying they needed me to call ASAP about my health coverage (my coverage ended wtih them in Dec) i called and was transfered to a full mail box so i looked them up online found a page about them being linked to National Alliance insurance and how they are a fraud... what do i do next, get a lawyer i spent alot of money to keep that insurance and now i am paying alot of hospital bills because




  1. this is very socking i am an insurance agent in India this type of problems are very common in india and we solve within 7 working days, cont. your ombudsement  or human right commission or consumer court or send a letter to your countrys best news channel(media),

  2. Contact your states insurance commissioner's office and file a consumer complaint.  They will act as your representative and come up with a fair solution.  Good luck.

  3. From a standpoint in AZ as I am licensed health and life and took my test recently. I believe since they changed ins co and it had only been a month the previous insurer actually has to cover those expenses. All in all though I would definitely contact the state insurance board, or director of insurance in your state. So the new company may very well be right they don't have to pay but they should be directing you back to the old ins company too.

  4. As a start, contact your state's insurance commissioner, the number of which you should be able to obtain from the state's Web site.

    If you contact the Attorney Referral Service in your city (or the closest "big city"), you should be able to meet with an attorney that specializes in issues such as yours for 30 minutes without charge.  In that time, he or she can tell you the best course of action for you to take.  Be sure to bring the policy (policies) with you when you go.

  5. I checked with AM Best, and did NOT find a health insurance company by the name of National Alliance Anything.  So, my question is, who were you paying your "premiums" to?  Because likely, it wasn't to an insurance company.

    If it WAS to an insurance company, you can file a written complaint to your state insurance department.  And even if it wasn't, you can request a return of all your premiums paid, as it wasn't insurance.  And I would consult an attorney; I'm thinking this might fall under the category of "employment benefits liabiltiy" and you might be able to sue your old employer for all the costs.
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