
Insurance help. If you are hit by someone, they are wrong would there Insurance pay for everything...?

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New at having insurance. If I get in an accident and the person is at fault, would there Insurance cover my damage? and would I still have to pay my own deductible to do my repairs. Would I get a rental even if it's not in my insurance?




  1. If you get in an accident, the other person is at fault, their insurance company will only pay to the limit of the policy. If they have no insurance, you will have to sue to recoup the loss unless you have uninsured motorist coverage. In which case, you will have to pay the deductible. If you don't have rental on your policy there is no guarantee that their policy will cover it.

    Read your policy carefully and contact your insurance agent with any questions you find you need to clarify. Make sure you file an police report and contact your insurance carrier for additional advise. Many people are afraid to report accidents because their rates will go up but not reporting it can put you in the position of being left high and dry if the other party is not honest or at a later time blames you.

  2. If you're involved in an accident that is the other person's fault:

    First, you'd better hope they have insurance.  If they don't, your insurance is going to have to pay for your repairs and your medical bills, assuming you have "uninsured motorist coverage" on your policy.

    But if they do have insurance, their insurance SHOULD pay to repair your car and pay your medical bills.  You should not have to pay any money out of your own pocket in this instance.  Whether or not you could have a rental car would be determined by whether or not it is covered by their insurance policy.

  3. There insurance will cover everything and your insurance, unless you file a claim, will not come into play at all.  As for the rental, only if the other persons policy had that provision outlined to allow for a rental car if at fault for an accident.  Good luck.

  4. Notify your insurance company and let them handle it.  You will have to pay your deductible initially but may get it reimbursed if the other party is held to be at fault.

  5. No.  To say carte blanche, that their insurance would pay for EVERYTHING, is not true.

    If the claim goes through their insurance, their policy pays up to the policy limit to fix your car, no deductible, unless your car is totalled.  They'll also pay for a rental, a bottom of the barrel, $25 a day rental.  They will NOT pay for rental insurance, or gas surcharges, or anything else.

  6. If the other person was at fault for the accident, their insurance company will pay you for the damage to your vehicle, rental, storage fees, towing etc. up to their policy limits.

    Your deductible applies if you go through your own insurance.  Of course the amount you are reimbursed depends upon your state's comparative negligence rules.  Your percentage of liability, if any, would be deducted from the settlement.

  7. Do NOT listen to Bud68!!  If the other person is at fault their ins should handle it, NOT yours.  The other insurance will have your car fixed WITHOUT a deductible and you shoudl get a rental car.  That is the reason for liability, it covers who you hit, not you...  I hope it all works out for you!  If you go through your insurance it will be a big mess getting the accident off your record b/c they will code it to where your insurance will go up if you claim it on your insurance.  Do everything you can go have the other ins pay first...

  8. If you have the other person's policy information, let their policy handle it. Their insurance company should pay for all your damages and give you a rental car with no deductible. It may be a little bit more of a hassle, but at least you don't have any out of pocket expenses.

    You can file it with your company and let them handle it. If you go that route, you will have to pay your deductible, and even if they recover the money from the other person, there is no guarantee that you will be reimbursed your deductible.

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