
Insurance on a catering trailer

by  |  earlier

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I have just bought a catering trailer to start serving hot and cold food at events and such but at the momnet it is in my yard but can quite easily be stolen as all you do is hook it onto a car .... how do i get insurance for this and what do i insurance it has a car a van a trrailer or buisness




  1. I believe that eVan- will insure trailers for you.  Also I believe MoreTh>n - offers it.

    I would check out both free quoting services.

  2. Oh dear Luke, why don't you phone an insurance company they will tell you.  You will need public liability insurance as well, in case you poison someone. You will be inspected by the Environmental Health Department so you will need to know the laws on food handling, be prepared also to be inspected by the council and trading standards.

    You will also need a business bank account and you must register as self employed. If you are parking it in your yard buy a wheel clamp.

    Good Luck

  3. the best thing that i would suggest is check the different services the company is offering or get in touch with an agent. I would suggest Citibank services as it offers great schemes on its services. For more details check

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