
Insurance same day proof?

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Insurance same day proof?




  1. What are you asking?

  2. yes

  3. If this is in regards to auto insurance, then yes, you would get documentation.  But I caution that some insurance companies will only allow the policy to start at 12:01am on the next day to avoid any issues that might have occured on the day you came in and signed.  ID cards are not time stamped, only date stamped.

  4. Are you inquiring that when you buy insurance, do they give you a document that states you are now covered?  Yes, they provide you with an ID Card that you show to the vehicle reg. office, and the inspection station, and the police officer when he pulls you over.

  5. As long as you've given an agent $ and the policy was put in force

    you should have proof of insurance in your hands at that point

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