
Insurance wont cover baby!??!!?

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im on my parents insurance and have 100% maternity coverage, but their insurance wont cover the baby after he is born! anyone know what i can do?? If i dont get anything how much would it cost for the nursery care and all that?




  1. You can apply for Medicaid.

    If the father is old enough to have his own insurance, you can see if the baby can be added to that policy.

    If your parents become legal guardians of the baby, they may be able to add the baby to their policy that way.  (Depending on the eligibility criteria on their policy.)

    But it is correct that generally a grandchild isn't able to be added on a benefit plan, without adoption or legal custody.

  2. You can apply for welfare insurance for the baby, after it's born, or you can try to apply for it while you are pregnant, for the baby, under your state CHIPS program.  

    Nursery care in the hospital is a LOT.  

    BUT, you should also consider birth alternatives to a hospital birth.  There are birthing centers, and of course, you could plan a home birth.  Developed countries where hospital birth is NOT the norm, have statistically better outcomes for both mothers and babies.  The US, where 97% of births are in hospitals, ranks number 27, in baby and maternal outcomes - so there are 26 other countries that do it safer than us.  Do the research.  Babies catch awful germs in hospitals, even in the nursery.  Moms get forced into unnecessary C sections, out of convenience - or because doctors didn't want to wait, and "induced" labor causing fetal stress, requiring the C section.

    Of course, if you married the father, and he has insurance through his job, you could always get added on immediately to his insurance, and then the baby would be covered.

  3. try husky, they cover all kid

  4. Check with your state programs there are many that are free or low cost to cover children.  Check out WIC programs...

    I am guessing you are pretty young since you are still on your parents insurance - if you are you may want to look into signing custody of your baby to your parents.  If they have custody their insurance will likely cover the baby.

  5. Where do you live?  In Alabama they have something called ALL Kids.  It basically gives kids up to the age of 18 a chance to have health care.

  6. The baby will be covered while in the hospital after birth as long as you are also still admitted. The coverage stops, once the baby stays longer than you or goes home with you.

    You can apply for Hoosier Healthwise-here is the link:

    Or the baby's father can add the baby to his group insurance at his work if he had group insurance. He will need to find out what they will require with the paperwork at his HR dept.

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